DELL SONICWALL TZ SERIES Price in chennai, tamilnadu

Reassembly Free Deep Packet Inspection :
This high-performance, proprietary and patented inspection engine performs stream
based bi-directional traffic analysis,
without proxying or buffering, to uncover intrusion attempts,
malware and identify application traffic regardless of port.
Bi directional inspection :
Scans for threats in both inbound and outbound traffic simultaneously to ensure that the
network is not used to distribute malware,
And does not become a launch platform for attacks in case an infected machine is
brought inside
Single pass inspection :
A single-pass DPI architecture simultaneously scans for malware,
intrusions and application identification,
drastically reducing DPI latency and ensuring that all threat information is correlated in a
single architecture
Stream based inspection :
Proxy-less and non-buffering inspection technology provides ultra-low latency
performance for deep packet inspection of simultaneous network streams without
introducing file and stream size limitations,
and can be applied on common protocols as well as raw TCP streams.
Gateway anti-malware :
The RFDPI engine scans all inbound, outbound and intra-zone traffic for viruses,
Trojans, key loggers and other malware in files of unlimited length and size across all
ports and TCP streams.
Application control :
Control applications, or individual application features, that are identified by the RFDPI
engine against a continuously expanding database of over 3,500 application signatures,
To increase network security and enhance network productivity.
Custom application identification :
Control custom applications by creating signatures based on specific parameters or
patterns unique to an application in its network communications,
In order to gain further control over the network
Granular control :
Control applications, or specific components of an application,
based on schedules, user groups, exclusion lists and a range of actions
Route based VPN :
The ability to perform dynamic routing over VPN links ensures continuous uptime in the
event of a temporary VPN tunnel failure,
By seamlessly re-routing traffic between endpoints through alternate routes.